Chasing sheep in the mountains
Sep 17, 2023“There was a young married couple up on the mountain last week and they chased sheep with their dog!” That’s what my parents heard when they went up to our mountain cabin in summer 1993.
Have you had gossip turning a big round in your community and when you hear it you realize that they are actually talking about YOU!? : )
The summer before this happened I’ve spent a lot of time in the valley restaurant because I loved to hang out with Lucretia who was working there as a waitress for the season. I met all the locals at the regulars’ table even more personally and also the herder-team of the cow-alp above the little village. I was 14 and so proud that these people who tackle hard work every day accepted me warmly (remember I got randomly bullied back home in school).
When I hiked up to our cabin with my bestie and her dog for some days of mountain magic a year later I was eager to see the restaurant and herder-team again.
We planned a big hike up through the village, visiting the cow-stables and the team, climbing to the ridge and then walking along until we reached a little mountain lake called “Grünsee” = lake green.
The team was happy to see me and I was beyond happy that I still felt so welcome. Over fresh yogurt and fruits we told them about our plans and they all said in a chorus: “Ooh, so you could bring the salt up for the sheep herd?” Yes of course! I loved to help them. One of the herders commented: “Please let the dog run into the herd once and check if any of the sheeps is limping! You can report only if you notice something, ok?” OK! We felt VERY important and honored to be trusted.
We did how we were told. All the sheep were happy-go-lucky. We had a great hike and had nothing to report.
Just that you know if you are ever in the Swiss mountains. You are being monitored :) by binoculars from who knows where.
When my mother told me about the gossip of the not native couple with the dog chasing sheep, she laughed already. She connected the dots immediately as I raved about our cool hike and our job with the salt and the sheep.
I’m a big fan of confronting people in situations when I see something which seems NOT RIGHT to me! Better find out if that was a “salt and sheep” assignment and know right away to shut up and there is no need for gossiping afterwards.
If I witness injustice like racism or bullying there is no question if I speak up or not. In my eyes it’s our duty to stand up for each other.
Let’s keep the salt & sheep-story in our mind that sometimes our assumptions are just wrong and maybe simply unnecessary?
Let’s connect with people and ask questions about their dreams and what’s important to them in their lives.
Let’s be kind to each other, always. With everybody you meet today. The ones you’ll never see again and your barista you meet every morning.
I wasn’t offended at all that we were accused of chasing sheep and that I was assumed to be a man. It just showed me that sometimes you need more background information before you judge. Let’s keep that in mind too…
Lots of loooove
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