“Close the door!” Are you a tidy or a messy person?
Mar 15, 2023I just can’t keep things tidy. I just can’t. Can you relate or are you rolling your eyes? Well I’d better say: Keeping things tidy is a big effort for me. Chaos is not an issue and messy rooms are “normal”... AND I prefer a tidy, nice, clean surrounding… hahaaa… a bit schizophrenic?
I showed these pics of my childhood room to Mr. Sakata yesterday and he SIGHED and commented: “Your parents are such patient people!” They were. They are. I mean these pics make me cringe now. So many layers of chaos is even too much for me : ).
I just love my mother because she didn’t make a fuss about my mess. Her only request was: “Close the door!” Our Italian cleaning angel Signora Ciangia was very upset and couldn’t resist to make clean piles out of the loose pages and make it look a little nicer. Oh my… I’m not as patient with my girl. Every week before our magical cleaning lady arrives she needs to pick up everything from the floor. Aaand I must admit, my critique of the mess is sometimes very harsh and loud…
How do you handle tidiness at home? Are you a tidy person? Would decluttering your whole house be the BEST thing ever and has it been a big lingering project for years? Is your decluttering game on top of the world and if you would move, you would have nothing to throw away, you own just things you love and need and care for?
My current table setting looks like this…not so much different than 30 years ago.
The decluttering masterclass within Joy Academy helped me many times to get ahead of my mess-game. I packed a lot of practical advice in these 90min you spend with me on video and you can journal about your spots in your house/living space where you know: THIS is where I want to change things. The “centerpiece” of the masterclass is a meditation where you have a conversation with your living space. Yeah, sounds strange or totally science fiction…but if you believe in “woowoo” or if you are a totally realistic person, you will see how cool that is. Your living space will tell you what annoys her/him/them AND might give you practical advice on how to change things up!
One time I did this meditation my apartment told me: “The problem lies in Ken's room.”
Me: “Well good for me, that’s not my problem then.”
Apt: “What about that ikea-shelf full of your stuff?”
Me facepalming ....”Oh nooo, I totally suppressed that…”
Apt: “Ok, now that you are aware, that has to go! Too much stuff in this room!”
Me: “Haha, and where please?”
Apt: “The shelf goes into your office, better there for your coffeemaker and cups. The things within the shelf need a good decluttering.”
I could not have come up with this myself. If you believe in this or if you again roll your eyes, just try things like this out. Nobody needs to know ; ).
I took the advice seriously because it felt like the best idea ever. Ken was very pleased and my office corner looks great! High five my living space, thanks a lot!
So from time to time I connect with my apartment and it tells me what’s the most important area to tackle… while I keep dealing with my chaotic self and just accept that even though I love a tidy space, sometimes it’s just a messsssss…
I passed my chaotic genes to Mika… my poor supertidy husband has to live with two messy ladies. If you would call him and ask, he would sigh as when he looked at the first pictures… and tell you all his complaints. BUT : ) I think we are keeping the balance quite well overall with our other AMAZING traits ; ).
Are you motivated to declutter your attic now? Do you want to meet your apartment in that meditation? Do you want to create JOY and lightness in all areas of your life?
Join us in Joy Academy. It’s that simple : ) If you are ready Joy Academy is ready for you to take you on this year long journey to talk to apartments and do other fun stuff : ) and learn very very practical tools AND what YOU want in your life so that you are feeling amazing in your living space, tidy or chaotic and wherever you go!
Let’s make this world more colorful, playful and joyful!
Lots of looove from Zurich, Switzerland,
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