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How many hours does your day have?

Feb 01, 2022

What a stupid question, right? : ) But you must admit, that you sometimes - often - daily think, that your day should have at least 5 more hours. Right?

Well, we all have these 24 hours and I highly recommend to reserve eight of them for sleep! So, we have 16 hours left for creating magic. If you work for another eight hours you have still eight wonderful 60 minutes for hobbies, eating the most amazing food and moving your body… for your family, your friends and whatever deserves your attention and your presence.

That's the key: What deserves your attention!?
Who deserves spending time with you?

I don't mean this in a self-centered, narcissistic, egoistic way. No. Just very practical and with a great sense of clarity about the big question: What do I want? Who do I want to spend time with? What do I want to spend time on?

Play around with these hours and think of your time as your most precious belonging.
If you want all the help and support for a strategically smart but with lots of magic infused approach to find out what you really want in your life, join the Joy Academy! You find all the information here.

Happy day and lots of loooove from Zurich, Switzerland

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