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The coolest trick to drink enough water!

Apr 26, 2021

"Ronja, are you all of a sudden giving unasked advice to me?" Me?? Noooo! YOU decide EVERYTHING in YOUR life!

Nevertheless, drinking Water is a big trick to take good care of our body. All the processes in our system function with water or get supported by water. Our organs get cleaned out and our all over wellness increases.

How much water do you drink per day? Nooo, not coffee, coke, energy drink... pure Water? Be honest with yourself!

In Switzerland three litre (almost a gallon) is a number, where many people roll their eye and tell all the excuses why thats not possible: "I have to go to the toilet too many times with that amount of water." What is your answer to the assignment of three liter?

If you only drink when you feel thirsty, it's kind of a call for the manager already. Your body is calling you out. Just get used to drinking more. Easy.

Im always a big fan of trying things. Just try it for a period of time, where your body can adjust to it and until you feel the difference.

If you think drinking enough isn't easy at all, watch the video and I'll tell you the coolest trick for sticking to your new habit. Please tell me in the comments, what you think, ok? I also look forward: How do you do after...let's say....30days with drinking 3 liters per day?  

I'm looking forward hearing from you!


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