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Let's talk boundaries

Jan 25, 2021 relationships with your partner, your kids, at work, with yourself. : )
Boundaries are the coolest most helpful thing, but for setting them, you need to be VERY clear about my most favorite thing: What do I want?
Ask yourself: What do I want? What is important to me? What are my values? Without these answers every boundary is lame and will not survive long.
If you know what you want, boundaries are EASY! They are set in stone and as you believe them totally and absolutely, everybody around you will feel them. Let's talk about this super interesting topic...
I for sure will share some stories out of my life and where my boundaries got tested in big ways...

PS: Fill out the Joyometer and collect all those good moments and print the Joy Cards below to bring some JOY into your neighborhood, with a joyful message on a park bench or latern post. : )


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