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Life long learning ♡ Choose 3 things you want to learn from scratch in 2021

Jan 18, 2021

Three things. YES, from scratch. What comes to your mind?
Do you think: «What? Me? Learning? I learned enough in school, I'm DONE with learning!»

I guess as you are here in this space, you are an open minded person anyway, so how about learining three new things.  

Riding an unicycle? (Lol, I always said one wheel bicycle in the video... but I bet you get what I mean : )) Learning an instrument? Crafting? Drawing? It doesn't have to be complicated, it doesn't have to require months of practice. Just something you WANT to learn!

We are driven by tasks we HAVE to do and learn from the first school day on. At least in Switzerland there is not a lot of room for creativity and decision making during primary school.

But now, you are a grown grownup and you can decide whatever you want in your life. So learning can be fun. Learning must be fun. Otherwise, our brain is on defense mode and don't want us to waste our energy. But if we are excited and ALL in, learning is a party!

I'll tell you MY three things I want to learn in 2021 and the flute-story. Just watch the video, ok? : ) Have a great week and do your vision board, if you haven't yet. It's sooo much fun!

Love yoooou!

PS: Fill out the Joyometer and collect all those good moments and print the Joy Cards below to bring some JOY into your neighborhood, with a joyful message on a park bench or latern post. : )


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