More Energy

Experience more joy and lightness every single day

I help you find out what you really want so that you can create the change youā€™re ready for, feeling lighter and more vibrant every step of the way.

Start Today

"Working with Ronja was the best thing I could do for ME and I have personally benefited so much. This year changed my life in a positive way and will go down in history as one of the best years for me, despite Corona!"


"The Joy Academy has made me dream and by dealing with myself and my feelings in the last six months, I am already getting closer to my dreams every day. I am much more aware of my goals in life, which directs the focus to the present, away from the past."


"I think reflecting, cleaning out inside and outside, working on dreams and visions are all things that always deserve attention. I'm super excited to be on the road for another year, continuing to work on myself and enjoy this journey."

You don't need another well-meant self care post on Instagram.

You need to turn inwardly and find out how YOU can take care of yourself so that it works for you and your life.

Find out what YOU really want & don't want

Get to know yourself from the inside out to feel rooted in your decisions, certain in your actions and joyful for the outcome.

Implement your vision in your everyday life

Build hands-on strategies on how to walk step by step towards your dreams while enjoying life as it is to the fullest.

Step into your power by owning your mindset

Learn how to get rid of limiting beliefs, how to allow your feelings and how to tune your thoughts to being beneficial and uplifting.

Here's how

Hey, I'm Ronja Sakata
"Queen of Joy" & Founder of Joy Academy

Are you ready to embrace life?

In my 20+ years of experience in teaching & self-development, I have attended countless courses, retreats, speeches and helped hundreds of human beings that are on the same journey as you to create more joy and lightness every single day.

You've got all the wisdom you need within you and I'm here to guide you to tap into it.

You can expect practical, down-to-earth & suitable for everyday use with a sprinkle of magic, because that's where longlasting and sustainable change will happen.Ā 

Learn More About Me

Get inspired

Listen to "The Let's Create Joy Podcast" where my guests share how they create a joyful life, get into action with my book "The Joy Compass" and follow me and my own journey to more joy every day on Instagram. See you there! : )

Stories from all over the world

My guests are as versatile as life and they give you insights in their very personal way how they create JOY in their lives. I promise you'll be inspired by every single one of them!

Listen here

Your guide to more joy in life.

I show you doable steps on how you can approach the big questions in life. It encourages you to start implementing right away so that youā€™ll see results from the get-go.

Get your copy here

Let's be friends on Instagram!

On @joyismycompass, I tell you about my life in Switzerland and how I create joy every day. @ronjasakata is my Swiss German curious?Ā 

Let's connect

The Joy Academy leads you to listening and respecting your feelings and allowing them to be your guide so that you can confidently make decisions that create more relaxation, light-heartedness, and creativity through your life.

Joy Academy

$ 999

Pay once and benefit for a lifetime!

  • 13 Masterclasses With Ronja
    - in these 60-90 minutes you work with me and will have a concrete action plan afterwards
  • Various Guided Meditations - go on adventure journeys within yourself and get answers from within
  • 31-Days-Challenges - short & crisp daily emails that support you in implementing new habits
  • Practical Tools - everything you learn at Joy Academy is suitable for everyday life so that you can start creating more joy from day 1
  • Self Study - you choose when you want to study what and do your own pace
  • Live Long Access -Ā everything in Joy Academy is available to you as long as the internet exists
I am all in!

Do you want to know more about the Joy Academy?
Click here to get all the information:

Find out more

Sign up for the bi-weekly JOY-delivery directly from Ronja's scrapbook

Inspirational stories, colorful illustrations, pictures and wisdom which will inspire YOU to live your life YOUR way, full of things, which bring you JOY!

More joy for you

My main goal is to inspire YOU to take action towards living your best life. Head over to the blog and start now. : )

Random act of kindness rock the world

I am a big fan of this! Spreading JOY with little gifts, notes or books with a message written for the finder. Watch the blog video for more inspiration.

Yes please

What brings you lots of joy? For me: Bubbles! 

One of my joy bringing tools: Bubbles! With no fail I am smiling when I blow these rainbow bubbles into the world. Click my most favorite exercises ever:

Bring me there

What will you regret when you die?

Not the coolest question to think of, right? I am a big fan of creating a life, so that we have NO regrets at the day, when life is over. Funerals shaped mein big ways.

Read more

Get in touch

if you want to say hi,
book me for a speaking gig,
have a private coaching session
or be a guest on myĀ podcast

Come Along

Get inspired by how others create joy every day

My guestsĀ from all over the world give you insights in their very personal way how they create JOY in their lives. Choose your favourite podcast app and dive into these awesome talks, each one is a treat, you'll see! : )

It's our duty to spread love

Visual Artist Oibel1 is all about spreading art and love in our beautiful world. It's a bliss listening to him!

Listen here

How to reconnect with your intuition

Celeste Lawson talks about how she reconnected with her intuition and how that brought her to Costa Rica.

Learn the secrets

Why you should be conscious about your subconscious

We talk about love, relationships, habits, the power of affirmations, exercise, meditation and much more.

Sounds interesting!

Reconnect with your intrinsic self

Sharitta helps women to create a pathway to their intrinsic self and she shares so many precious tips and thoughts.

Curious? Click here

Taking care of yourself is the biggest gift to you and everyone around you!

Eleshia shares her most important take-aways and how the early death of her mother made her realize that she needs to bring more joy in her life.

Find out more

The power of your inner and outer voice

Lisa tells beautiful stories that she’s experienced in her work and she shares how you can use your voice too - whether you dare yet or not.

I want to know more!